
Zoom Config


  1. Navigate to the Integrations page.
  2. Locate the Zoom integration and tap Connect.
  3. Follow the Zoom authentication screen and accept the permissions.
  4. Once connected, Cardinal will start bringing the calls from the last month from Zoom and keep it updated on recurring basis.


  • Cardinal continuously looks for new recorded conversations and brings them as feedback items.
  • Cardinal’s AI analyses the calls, creates a short summary, identifies all of the feature requests in the call, and creates suggestions to link to existing ones in the backlog or create new ones.


  1. Login to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.
  2. Click Manage >> Added Apps or search for the Cardinal app.
  3. Click the Cardinal app.
  4. Click Remove.
Disconnecting the integration will stop bringing in new data from Zoom, but won’t remove the existing feedback items in Cardinal